Monday, May 10, 2010

Why kids photography?–De ce fotograf de copii?

En: I have been asked many times why did I choose this path? -kids photography? I think the idea was born in 2004. Even though I always loved photography, never thought of it to be more than a hobby. Even though the first commercial request came in 2001 (at that time few people had digitals cameras in Romania) I refused it. I didn't want to become a professional photographer. I was just in love with photography. But in 2004, I decided to become a volunteer for World Vision, and we were supposed to be in the Hospital working with kids with very fatal diseases(leukemia, cancer, hepatitis C, etc.) ...and each one of our group had to play a role, the sole purpose was to bring a smile on those kids faces,...and this was how I observed myself that I was the one who was almost every time behind the camera, was my way of getting close to them, observe them and finding a way to make them laugh and forget at least for one second about their diseases. Even now, 8 years later, I still remember their faces, their names….. I have no idea if they are still alive, even though I hope they are, ...they were between 2 and 8 years old…... and they should have enjoyed their childhood at that age, not just their cytostatic treatment. Then, I have realized how important were those photos for their parents, the last memories, maybe, when they saw their kids smiling....was the most important project I've been part was on the period when I had a lot on my life, when my life was not pink, actually was quite grey.... all I was doing was to cry every Tuesday when I was returning from the Hospital, when I was realizing that my problems weren't that big compared to their problems. I wanted to help them so much, to make them laugh, that's why I wanted to continue somehow this path....with kids and photography...and one year later I bought my first semi professional camera which was supposed to get me closer to my path. In 2008, when I went to Nepal, Himalaya and when I met the same typology of kids....sick and also very very poor. My desire of bringing their message to the surface became much when I returned I was more convinced then when I left that I was on my path....

If you would like to see some images from Nepal you can look  HERE or all the other kids HERE  but more detailed posts with kids on this blog HERE .

Ro: De ce fotografie de copii? Am fost intrebata de multe ori de ce am ales aceasta cale - fotografia de copii? Cred ca ideea s-a nascut in 2004. Cu toate ca iubeam fotografia dintotdeauna, nu o privisem mai mult decat un hobby. Cu toate ca am primit prima cerere de fotografie comerciala in 2001 (la vremea respectiva putini din Romania aveau un aparat digital) am refuzat. Nu voiam sa devin fotograf profesionist. Doar iubeam arta. Dar iata ca in 2004, pasii m-au dus spre a deveni voluntar pentru World Vision, si locul de desfasurare era in cadrul spitalului de copii cu boli grave si ultra grave (leucemie, cancer, hepatita C,etc) fiecare din grupul din care faceam parte avea un rol, pe care il putea juca fiecare in parte pentru a aduce un dram de bucurie in inima acelor copii si a familiilor asa pentru multe luni mi-am petrecut fiecare zi de marti in mijlocul acelor copii, animandu-i, jucandu-ne cu ei, povestind cu asa am observat ca eu defapt imi asumam aproape 100% rolul de fotograf, era modul meu de a ma apropia de ei, de a ii putea observa, de a-i intelege, de a-i anima. Si acum, 8 ani mai tarziu imi amintesc numele lor si figurile lor, nu stiu daca se mai afla in viata, desi m-as bucura sa fie asa....aveau intre 2 si 8 varsta la care doar ar fi trebuit sa se bucure de aceasta viata, doar sa fie copii, nu doar de citostatice.... Atunci am vazut cat de importante erau acele poze, pentru parintii lor reprezenta una din ultimele amintiri pe care poate le aveau cu copii lor....a fost proiectul cel mai important din care am facut parte....era intr-o perioada cand viata mea nu era deloc roz....dar nu faceam decat sa plang in fiecare marti cand ma intorceam de la spital, cand realizam ca problemele mele nu se comparau cu ale lor, si ca doar imi plansesem de mila pana in acel moment. Voiam sa ii pot ajuta, sa le pot aduce un zambet pe buze, pentru ca ei nici nu mai stiau ce e acela un asa s-a nascut in mine dorinta de a face in continuare aces a fotografia un an mai tarziu am achizitionat primul aparat mai bunicel care sa ma aduca mai aproape de drumul meu. In 2008, cand viata m-a dus in Nepal,Himalaya, si am intalnit aceeasi tipologie de copii, bolnavi unii, dar mai ales extraordinari de saraci, mi s-a reaprins dorinta de a transmite mesajul lor, stiam ca el merita transmis....asa ca la intoarcere probabil stiam mai mult decat cand am plecat, ca asta e drumul meu....

Daca v-ar face placere sa vizualizati cateva imagini din Nepal o puteti face  AICI sau imagini cu alti copii AICI